Innovate to shape smart developments for communities

Project aim
After 7 years of operations, GDC has established a reputation as a reliable contractor. With a strong foundation, GDC aims to attract strategic investors and play a higher role in the real estate industry’s value chain. At the end of 2019, GDC invited Consulus to help shape the value of the firm for fair and favourable terms through Innovative Strategies, a PurposeCORE module.
Project Information
- Building Materials, Construction, Real Estate
Location: Asia, Vietnam
Type of solution: PurposeCORE
Client: GDC Group JSC.
Year of completion: 2021
Business Valuation
Combined the 3 valuation methods, including Market approach, Income approach, and Branch Value approach (a proprietary approach of Consulus) to estimate a fair value of the business.
Valuation Strategy
With the determined value of the business, Consulus facilitated a one-day Valuation Strategy workshop for the top management and middle management team of GDC to co-create the long-term strategy for growth and higher business value, and to map out priorities of actions to transform into a sustainable and scalable business model through purpose and unity.
Rebranding for higher value and bigger opportunities
Refresh the brand identity and applications to increase the perceived value of the business to attract both local and international investors and pursue larger-scale business and project opportunities.
- Research
- Strategic Planning
Financial modelling
- Business Valuation
- Business Model design
- Branding
- Training
The construction industry is oriented to become one of the spearheads of the Vietnam economy in the near future. Aware of this, GDC has been transforming, starting with the most core values of the business, with an aim to deliver higher values to customers and partners, as well as shape smart developments for the communities.
Implemented Deliverables
- Conducted 360 degree research, including desktop industry research, 9 x Management interviews, 3 x Project site visits and Online Staff Survey
- Conducted Review of the firm’s capital structure, assets, type of construction project portfolio, historical financial statements and cash flow valuation, growth strategy and business assumptions for the 5-year financial projections
- Performed projected financial modellings, including Income statement, Balance sheet statement Cashflow statement
- Applied Income approach, Market approach, Brand value approach to derive the value of the company
- Development of detailed valuation document (80 pages)
- Redesigned business model
- Reorganised brand portfolio
- Developed 5-year Growth roadmap
- Conducted 1-day valuation strategy workshop with more than 30 key personnel
- Developed new visual identity and tagline
- Design brand applications: corporate stationery
- Design brand applications: marketing collaterals
- Design brand applications: project site branding
- Design website graphic user interface
- Investor Growth Deck template
- Leadership branding
- Project case study branding
- Internal brand launch
Bà Amy Vũ và đội chuyên gia tiến hành Khảo sát thực địa công trình dự án/ Ms Amy Vu and the consultants conducting project site visit
Ông Ashwani Gupta và đội chuyên gia Consulus điều phối Workshop Chiến lược định giá/ Mr Ashwani Gupta and Consulus team facilitating Valuation Strategy workshop
Cán bộ chủ chốt GDC tham gia bài tập nhóm tại Workshop Chiến lược định giá/ GDC’s ranks & files during group assignment at Valuation Strategy workshop
Ảnh tập thể bế mạc Workshop Chiến lược định giá/ Team photo at the end of Valuation Strategy workshop
Cán bộ cấp trung tham gia tạo hình logo mới của công ty/ Middle management team joining hands to complete the new corporate identity mosaic during the internal brand launch
Consulus-GDC Website
Giao diện đồ hoạ website cho GDC để thu hút nhà đầu tư trong và ngoài nước/ New website GUI