Since the inception of the role of the Consulus global Chairman in 2018, it was established that the term of office for the Chairman of Consulus Global Network would be limited to one year, to ensure leadership representativity of all countries in the Consulus Global Network. This year during the 3rd annual Consulus Global School, Consulites (Consultants of Consulus) from 16 countries gathered at the Consulus Global World Centre and headquarters in Singapore and elected Mr Jim Funk as the new Global Chairman for the 2019 – 2020 term.

The official handover ceremony for the global chairmanship took place during Consulus’ 15th Anniversary Gala Dinner at Fairmont Singapore on the 21st of June 2019, in front of an audience of 200 people.
Mr Shiraz Latiff, the founding global chairman who has completed his term for 2018 – 2019, will continue in his role as the Chief Executive Officer at Consulus Lanka, a full-fledged partner firm in the Consulus Global Network since November 2017.
Mr Jim Funk will now serve as the new chairman of Consulus global, in addition to his role as the Global Head of Leadership Transformation at Consulus and Country Director for Consulus USA.
“It was my pleasure and privilege to have had the opportunity to serve our Consulus family as the first Chairman. Being the public face and represent the unity and diversity of Consulus had been a great opportunity for me. Our united effort to Shape the World together means to harness everyone’s collective effort with their unique capabilities in harmony. Being the Chairman for such a family was a unique experience for me. Our new Chairman, Jim Funk comes with a wealth of experience and knowledge to lead us and passing the mettle to a personality like him is a great moment for me personally,” said Mr Shiraz Latiff, former chairman of Consulus Global Network.

“The role of Chairman for Consulus is very much in keeping with the organization’s commitment to serve its clients with purpose, and recognize their intrinsic value as people. Through dialogue and the UNIFY methodology, Consulus brings people together. Having the Chairman role is an example of Consulus practising what it teaches, by giving a voice and creating opportunities for leadership and dialogue. It just makes us better, in the same way that we work with our clients to become better from the inside out. I am very committed to doing my very best in this role, and am grateful to Shiraz for providing such a clear example of leadership, ” said Mr Jim Funk, the new chairman of Consulus Global Network.
About Consulus
Consulus is a global innovation consultancy with multidisciplinary business and design capabilities. Since 2004, their UNIFY methodology has helped companies gain new capabilities and competitive advantage by redesigning their business models, organisational cultures and brand experiences. This enables them to sharpen their capacity to innovate and meet the challenges of Industry 4.0.
The custom-built solutions that Consulus offers have allowed their clients to increase revenue by over 138%, expand to overseas markets, develop new products and intellectual property and prepare the next generation of leaders to drive and sustain high-growth. Today, Consulus is present in Singapore (World Centre), Argentina, Bangladesh, Brazil, Brunei Darussalam, India, Italy, Laos, Myanmar, New Zealand, Slovakia, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, United States of America, and Vietnam. Consulus is also a member of the Economy of Communion business network.