About 400 business leaders and creative professionals participated at the 21st World Brand Congress held at the Taj Lands End in …

About 400 business leaders and creative professionals participated at the 21st World Brand Congress held at the Taj Lands End in …
Private and public sector leaders from the country will convene at the Shape the World Conference in Myanmar on 8 January 2013 …
Singapore (26/11/2012) – More than 130 senior managers and business owners from Singapore...
With corporations like Apple and Nestle holding more power than nations and religion, there is a dire need to build strong brands. As a platform for emerging Asian leaders…
Vào ngày 04 tháng 10 năm 2012, ConsulusCIRCLE đầu tiên tại Việt Nam sẽ diễn ra tại tòa nhà Charmvit, Hà Nội, nhằm khuyến khích các lãnh đạo doanh nghiệp Việt Nam xây dựng một cộng đồng được dẫn dắt bởi mục đích để thực sự hình thành tương lai của Việt Nam.
On 4th October 2012, the 1st ConsulusCIRCLE will take place at Charmvit Tower, Hanoi, Vietnam to encourage Vietnamese leaders to build purpose-led communities to truly shape the future of Vietnam.
Shape the World Conference 2012 is back in its fifth year in Singapore. On 22 October 2012, we will explore how Asian organisations can emerge as...
Colombo (14/8/2012) – More than 350 marketing heads and business leaders from Sri Lanka participated in the 12th CIM annual conference. Organised by the esteemed Chartered Institute…
On 17th August 2012, the Culture Design Workshop will take place at the 20th floor of Charmvit Tower, 117 Tran Duy Hung, Hanoi, Vietnam to help Vietnamese business leaders design an innovative and collaborative corporate culture to shape the world.
Private and public sector leaders from the country will convene on 16 August 2012 to discuss strategies and review challenges facing Vietnamese brands as a new world order emerges.
Lawrence Chong discussed how the emergence of educated middle class and fast-changing mode of communication and travel affect the way governments operate.
Dhaka (21/03/2012) – Consulus was invited to North South University, Dhaka, Bangladesh to share with more than 80 faculty members and students about...