This article is part of our COVID-19 series to aid small businesses as part of our Economy of...

This article is part of our COVID-19 series to aid small businesses as part of our Economy of...
The current COVID-19 crisis has served as a clear reminder to all businesses about the volatility,...
The talk by Dr Paolo Frizzi on the larger global context of the 4th Industrial Revolution and to further present what we learned at Consulus: that is, how businesses today are becoming extraordinary places where change can be developed and applied. From this point of advantage, business leaders can have a direct role to positively affect this economic shift, in a way, never before experienced in this scale.
In this epoch-changing era, the 4th Industrial Revolution is reminding us why unified models and integrated approaches are the most effective methods to reshape the purpose of nations and organisations.
Many of us know that the 4th Industrial Revolution is upon us and it will fundamentally change the way we live, work and play. So how well you…
If Vietnamese companies want to compete on an equal footing as a new wave of competition appears on the horizon, then it is a matter of choice and not about the environment.
Innovation is a long journey that will involve many episodes of failures, fears and false starts. Here are some 3 essential elements, on how to take a realistic approach so as to reap sustained results from the process.
Understanding and defining the impact of design when it is not used as a tool for expression, but rather as a tool for growth, has been our life’s work.
Like building a house, without a master plan, these useful strategies will end up as a jumble of poorly executed ideas which are then swiftly discarded. Instead of jumping onto the next consulting fad, companies should look within and identify their own unique way of creating value.
Nếu thiếu đi một kế hoạch tích hợp sau sáp nhập, tất cả hoài bão và những ý định tốt đẹp dành cho bất cứ thương vụ M&A nào cũng sẽ thành con số 0.
Without a plan to succeed post-merger, all ambitions and good intentions for any deal will come to nought
Redesign roles and structure to improve feedback, and use new tools for engagement to build a smarter B2B business.